Wednesday, November 18, 2009

7 weeks

I can't believe there is only a week until the puppies leave for new homes. Time has really flown. The pups are going to leave in a trickle, not all at once, so that will help the transition in my household from puppy central back to the normal routine. The pups are at their most entertaining but also they are at the peak of neediness and keeping up with them is a lot of work.

Nathoo takes down Cornelia. Cornelia will miss the pups the most. She has been a phenomenal babysitter and has spent more time with the pups over the last few weeks than any other dog, including mom.

Wrestlemania. Hathi gives a good 'ugly face'
4 way tug
puppies exhaust everyone!
The pups enjoy a snack in the play yard at work. I sprinkled some kibble on the ground and let them search for it.
Sahi bites off a little more than he can chew
When a toy is not around, your own foot will do
Katsuk is still nursing, despite my attempts to get her to stop.
eeeh, that can't feel good
Nathoo detangles a rope toy
Chase in the leaves. Hathi(lead) looks like a hippo in this photo
More chase in the leaves
Kotick is tired after a day of play
Cornelia thinks Nathoo needs a cleaning
Faethe starts a game of keep away
Kila keeps watch while Hathi starts an escape route
The big dogs also enjoy playtime at work
Let's dance!
everyone starts to zonk out
Akeela contemplates life

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